Applied Statistics


The D-III Applied Statistics Study Program was established in 2021 which is managed by the Politeknik Medica Farma Husada Mataram. The establishment of this study program was driven by the great need for mid-level Statistics staff who are able to support statistical analysis work in the fields of: Social Population, Health and Environment. The establishment of the D-III Statistics Study Program was ratified by the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 023/D/OT/2021. The D-III Applied Statistics Study Program based on the 2021-2026 Curriculum is intended to produce human resources who have statistical skills, including being able to apply statistical methods for planning, evaluation and decision making in various fields, especially in the fields of: Social- Population Health and Environment .



In 2026 Become a quality study program in the fields of applied statistics, social demography, environmental health and computing in producing skilled and professional human resources as well as nationally competitive in Eastern Indonesia


1. Organizing statistical education based on competency-based curriculum to produce qualified and professional statisticians;
2. Carry out research activities related to the application and development of science in the field of statistics,
3. Organizing community service activities in the field of statistics in order to improve community skills and welfare.
4. Organizing cooperation with institutions, associations, and industry in the context of improving human resources and graduates.





1. Produce quality graduates in the field of applied statistics who are professional so that they are able to solve problems related to their scientific fields;
2. Produce innovative research in the field of applied statistics so that it can provide benefits for lecturers, students and the community;
3. Participate in the development of community competence in statistics through community service.
4. Establish mutually beneficial cooperative relationships with government agencies, private institutions, industry, and the community



1. Data analyst
Able to analyze various types of data in the socio-demographic, environmental, and health fields by using statistical analysis techniques with the help of software.
2. Research assistant
Able to support researchers in solving statistical problems with the help of computer applications and communicate the results orally and in writing.
3. Academic Candidate
Great opportunity to continue education to a higher level, both in the field of statistics and the field of computers, as preparation to become academics (educators).
4. Candidate Manager
Able to lead and manage organizations/institutions in the fields of research, social, population, environment, and health.
5. Entrepreneur
Able to develop business in the fields of research consulting, information technology, environment, and health institutions