


Becoming a Superior and Innovative Pharmacy Study Program and Able to Compete in the Field of Traditional Medicines and Pharmaceutical Services in the NTB Region and the Bali Nusra Region in 2025


  • Organizing professional, superior and characterized D-III Pharmacy Study Program education in the field of traditional medicine and pharmaceutical services that refers to the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI).

  • Carry out research and community service in the field of traditional medicine and pharmaceutical services.

  • Develop quality and quantity in various research and community service schemes for lecturers and students in the field of traditional medicine and pharmaceutical services which are published as an effort to face global competition.

  • Develop cooperation and capabilities in organizational systems, evaluation, management and management of human resources owned by utilizing advances in the field of traditional medicine and pharmaceutical services.

  • Developing the quality of graduates who are able to create jobs, so that the brand image of the D-III Pharmacy Study Program is realized in the midst of the public in the development of entrepreneurship and development in the field of Pharmacy, especially traditional medicines and pharmaceutical services





Based on the vision and mission above, the objectives to be realized by the D-III Pharmacy Study Program of the Polytechnic “Medica Farma Husada” are:

  1. To produce professional, superior and characterized D-III Pharmacy Study Program education in the field of traditional medicine and pharmaceutical services that refers to the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI).
  2. Produce research and community service in the field of traditional medicine and pharmaceutical services.
  3. Produce quality and quantity in various research and community service schemes for lecturers and students in the field of traditional medicine and pharmaceutical services which are published as an effort to face global competition.
  4. Generate cooperation and capabilities in organizational systems, evaluation, management and management of human resources owned by utilizing advances in the field of traditional medicine and pharmaceutical services.
  5. Produce quality graduates who are able to create jobs, so that the brand image of the D-III Pharmacy Study Program is realized in the midst of the public in developing entrepreneurship and development in the field of Pharmacy, especially traditional medicine and pharmaceutical services.


D3 Pharmacy Academic Degree Associate Pharmacist (Amd. Farm)

Pharmacy Education at the Diploma III Study Program level is organized by universities with the aim of producing Pharmacy Associate Experts. In the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) it is stated that graduates of the Diploma III Pharmacy Study Program are at qualification level 5 with the following profile:

  1. Implementing Pharmaceutical Services

Associate Pharmacy Experts who are able to carry out pharmaceutical services in accordance with applicable legal aspects according to operational standards in health care facilities.

  1. Implementing Pharmaceutical Preparations

Associate Pharmacy Experts are able to produce pharmaceutical preparations referring to Good Manufacturing Practices of Traditional Medicines and Medicines that have been established in accordance with applicable ethics and legal aspects

  1. Dosage Distribution Executor

Associate Pharmacy Experts are able to distribute Pharmaceutical preparations, medical devices and medical consumables according to established standards in accordance with applicable ethical and legal aspects.

  1. Research Assistant

Associate Pharmacy Expert who is able to assist the implementation of research in the field of pharmacy.


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