Director Greetings


Dr. Syamsuriansyah, MM., M.Kes

I am very proud to briefly introduce the Medica Farma Husada Mataram Polytechnic to the readers. Founded in 2009 in the city of Mataram, NTB, Politeknik Medica Farma Husada Mataram is the best private university in NTB with the 37th best national ranking of vocational education in Indonesia. Since its inception, the Polytechnic has been a place to learn for the younger generation who come from various regions in Indonesia with their respective local cultures and languages.

In line with its development, now the Polytechnic already has 4 Diploma III study programs and 4 study programs for applied undergraduates. The Polytechnic has collaborated with various agencies and institutions both domestically and abroad with various programs. For international cooperation, the Polytechnic carries out international student exchanges with the inbound mobility program. This makes the atmosphere of studying at the Medica Farma Husada Mataram Polytechnic feel both Indonesian and international. Domestically, to improve the competence and specific skills of students, the Polytechnic has collaborated with agencies so that since the beginning of entering college students have immediately jumped into the field to understand the atmosphere of their work environment.

The current Polytechnic continues to focus on providing study programs which are rare in Bali Nusra so that students no longer need to go to Java if they need these study programs. Besides being rare in Bali Nusra, Polytechnic also pays attention to the absorption of graduates in the world of work. This also provides opportunities for students to enrich their knowledge.

The comfort and support of the facilities of the Medica Farma Husada Mataram Polytechnic to students is our serious concern, so that any activity on campus in the development of science and technology and the growth of student character is very conducive.
We will explain further information about the Medica Farma Husada Mataram Polytechnic in the following pages. However, more complete and up-to-date information can be found on our website.

We are happy to meet you at our orange campus.