MFH news. MFH Mataram Polytechnic has officially opened a new study program, namely the Bachelor of Applied Public Sector Accounting. This certainty was after the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) issued a decree (SK) No. 290/D/OT/2022 regarding the study program. The decree was submitted directly by the Head of the Higher Education Service Institution (LLDikti) area 8 Bali – NTB Dr. Ir. I Gusti Lanang Bagus Eratodi, ST.,MT., IPU.ASEAN.Eng to the Chairman of the Medica Cipta Mandiri Foundation Mr. Ikhwan, MM and accompanied by the senate of the MFH Mataram polytechnic at the MFH Mataram Polytechnic campus, Saturday (15/10/2022)
The head of LLDikti 8 said, “I see the Mataram MFH Polytechnic as one of the universities that is very ready to transform and has great potential. They no longer focus on the field of health sciences, but also on non-health sciences that are really needed out there. We also see how this polytechnic intends to continue to develop in the future, one of which is realized by presenting new study programs that do not exist in NTB, as well as being prepared to transform into an institute. Of course this will provide an opportunity, public trust to educate the nation’s children.”
In his remarks, the chairman of the Medica Cipta Mandiri Foundation, Ikhwan, MM who is also one of the lecturers at the Mataram MFH Polytechnic, said “Thank God the existence of the Mataram MFH Polytechnic always gives a new nuance every year. The receipt of the decree, which was handed over directly by the head of LLDikti Region 8, was the result of the hard work of the entire academic community. People out there see us very instantaneously, for us this process and struggle is quite long, namely since 2015 and today, thank God, our hard work has borne fruit by getting a direct mandate from the government, namely in this case the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) “
The Mataram MFH Polytechnic has announced that more and more new study programs will be opened to assist government programs, both provincial and national governments.
Deputy Director 1 academic field Apt. Ajeng Dian Pertiwi, M.Farm explained, “God willing, in the future the MFH Polytechnic will open many study programs that have high absorption in the world of work and are also rare in NTB. This is the commitment of the MFH Mataram Polytechnic to provide educational services with bright job prospects. In addition, of course, the hope is to support government programs, both local and national governments.”
With the transformation that continues to be carried out in a sustainable manner, the Mataram MFH Polytechnic already has 8 study programs, of which 2 are new study programs, namely Public Sector Accounting and later will also receive a Decree for the Occupational Safety and Health (K3) study program. These two new study programs will start accepting new students next year, the 2023/2024 academic year.
On another occasion, when confirmed while carrying out community service activities, the Director of the MFH Mataram Polytechnic, Dr. Syamsuriansyah, MM., M.Kes said, “Hopefully the opening of this new study program can become a study program that excels in education and the development of science. Not only at the national level but also internationally through the implementation of the Tridharma of higher education and can produce graduates who are competent and have an impact on their knowledge.”
Irawansyah, M.Pd as the person in charge of the ASP study program also added, “In this public sector accounting study program, later we will learn how to identify, measure, record and report financial transactions from the government at the central, provincial and regional levels at the village level.”

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